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The Initial Intellectual Property Rights Offering (IIPRO) is a groundbreaking mechanism that allows creators, inventors, and businesses to raise capital by offering fractional ownership or licensing rights of their intellectual property (IP) to investors. By leveraging this innovative approach, intellectual property assets such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets can be monetized in a way that benefits both the creators and the investors.

IIPRO opens up new opportunities for:

  • Creators: Gain access to funding without relinquishing full control of their intellectual property.
  • Investors: Invest in high-potential intellectual property assets with the potential for significant returns.
  • Businesses: Enhance innovation and scalability by leveraging external investment in proprietary assets.

The IIPRO model democratizes access to intellectual property investment, fostering growth and innovation in various industries.

IPSE operates through the following steps:

  • Assessment and Valuation: Intellectual Property assets are assessed and valued by experts to ensure accurate representation.
  • Offering Creation: A detailed Initial Intellectual Property Rights Offering is created, outlining the terms of fractional ownership or licensing rights.
  • Listing on SECURITIZOR Platform: The offering is listed on the NASDAQ, Cboe, or MIAX standard financial securities markets, making it accessible to investors worldwide.
  • Investment and Issuance: Investors purchase shares or licenses, providing immediate capital to the IP owner.
  • Revenue Sharing: Investors receive returns based on the agreed terms, such as royalties or profit shares.

The SECURITIZOR platform is accessible online at
The website provides a user-friendly interface for both IP owners and investors, featuring detailed listings, tools for assessment, and secure transaction processing.

IPSE supports a wide range of intellectual property assets, including but not limited to:

  • Patents: Innovations, inventions, and technological solutions.
  • Copyrights: Artistic works, literary pieces, music, software, and more.

Whether you’re a tech startup, an artist, or a seasoned corporation, offers a flexible and innovative way to monetize your IP assets.